


LHS Band Boosters

About Us

Get to know the Leonardtown Band staff

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Mr. Hunter J Martin, MMME

Director of Leonardtown Bands |

Band Boosters Board of Directors


Tina Romanowski | President

Christina Morazes | Vice President

Lindsay Moeser | Treasurer

Brigitte Heckathorn | Recording Secretary

Jay McKulka | Webmaster / Corresponding Secretary

What are the Band Boosters?

The Leonardtown High School Band Boosters are a non-profit organization with a Public Charity status (click here for IRS Exempt Organization Status) that supports all of the band programs at Leonardtown High School. Feel free to use the linked tool and search our organization, Leonardtown High School Band Boosters, to see the most updated documents. They actively fund and provide volunteer support at band functions and events. All parents and family members are welcome to join the booster organization. We hope you consider becoming an active member of the booster organization to help ensure that your student has the best experience possible as a member of the LHS Band Program.

When are the Meetings?

Booster Member Meetings occur 8 times during the Booster year (1 July – 30 June) in the LHS Band or Choir Room. They review band booster financial and operational business, address any issues that are impacting the bands and booster operation, topics brought to the booster board’s attention prior to the meeting is discussed, such as fundraising and planning events. All booster members are encouraged to attend these meetings. Please check the calendar for meeting dates and time.

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